Sunday, February 26, 2012

If I could turn back time

My Blue Earl Gray Socks are gone.  They were my first real socks. They fit perfectly right off the needles.  They were cozy, squishy and warm.

RIP Blue Earl Gray Socks 6/10-2/12
The problems started when the woman selling me the Cestari Yarn at MDSW 2010 told me the yarn would not felt.  One run through the washing machine with cold water showed that to be untrue.  They just shrunk a little though. So, I would just block them after I hand washed them and they would fit as long as I kept the smaller one on my left foot.  This went on for over a year till I just had to face the fact that my socks were too small for my feet. So, I gave them to my mother.

This was my second mistake. I love you, Mom but you are the kiss of death to anything that is hand wash only.  The first sock was gobbled up by her overgrown 70 lbs puppy.  I was very sad.  The second sock snuck in to the washer to commit heri kari.  So, Mom being crafty is making one into a sock puppet and the other into a pot holder.

There is a happy note to this story, however.  I walked in to Yarnability this past week (really nice store that I will be returning to soon) and spotted this on the sale rack:


It is the same yarn, same color of the my cozy socks!  I grabbed them up and took them to the counter where I explained my excitement to the owner.  She said, "How nice. You are going to make your mother some new socks?"   I said, "Heck no. These socks are for me!"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week in photos

Angel, Bregetta and Bugs
Boo walking slowly

Pretty path

Friend came over for tea

We went to the farm and saw the cows and calves

Bear using my Addi Turbo Clicks

Blocking my Leaflet

'Gita gets the 4th bath of the week.  Two more weeks of dog sitting till she goes home.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Crazy Town

I am going to attempt to knit 2,500 yards from my stash in 45 days, February 15th is day one.  I took a photo of the yarn I have to use. It is all Lambs Pride or 100% wool.

I am double stranding and making Kiki Mariko pattern by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne which is a fair isle steeked felted rug.  I have enough to make 2 but have signed up to make one for the mad stash dash on Ravelry. 

I have a sweater, Leaflet by Cecily Glowik MacDonald  on the needles that is for the Stockinette Zombies KAL that needs to be finished by February 28th to qualify.  I have a pair of socks on the needles (yes this is the same socks that I have been working on since October, just new pattern) and a Zombie The Podcaster by Amy Spinler (anyone who downloads this pattern may note a familiar name on the bottom next to "Edited By:").

Lastly, I got an e-mail from Leslie of the Knit Girllls and she offered me a spot in their knitting retreat this summer, The Super Summer Knitaway.  I put my money down and found out there is a KAL that could lead to fabulous prizes.  I have 15 days to knit a Rebecca Danger pattern.  

It is very nuts to think I can knit up everything by their deadlines.  I just have to remind myself that there are no Knitting Police and besides the Rebecca Danger monster, there are no real consequences to NOT knitting the items above.

However, I better finish those socks before my mom repossesses my blackthorne needles.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am usually very good about spotting spam, phishing and the like.  I got an e-mail yesterday and wondered if it could be a real person on the other end. It was Christine Cho, who was making up an exercize/ diet RPG game software and needed beta testers (RPG = roll playing game for all of those out there that never spent a Saturday night playing D&D in your parents basement.) I thought about responding and telling her I was not interested but my gut told me if I responded there may be more trouble.

So, I googled the e-mail address and thankfully found this blog post.  There are 5-6 people who have commented on the bottom that they received the same e-mail and it is obviously a scam. Google and Bloggers saved the day.