Monday, March 12, 2012

Sick Day

I was sick yesterday and woke up today with more of the same.  I called in to my boss and as I got the boys ready for school, mentally started planning the day.  I would take a long bubble bath, finish a book, knit while watching Downton Abbey, write a witty blog post and eat any junk food that made me feel better.  Well, I drove the kids to school, came back and laid down on the couch with a book.  Two pages in, I fell asleep and woke up 8 hours later. Damn.

I just have time for a quick blog post before I have to pick the boys up.

On the Needles:
I have some socks on the needles for my mom. I have FINALLY turned the heel for the first one.  I cast on the socks during my Rhinebeck trip (which is like late October).  The socks are to blame however because they were fighting me.  My mother chose Whirlpool Socks. They were a pain to knit and I frogged them. Then I started Stuccato Socks but the yarn complained that it didn't look right in that pattern.  Down the Rabbit Hole has been perfect. I like to knit it, the yarn is happy with it. Plus it looks similar to the first pattern that my mother will likely not care.

I am designing some socks for my kids. Colorwork always looks so lumpy till you block it.

Speaking of colorwork, my stash dash rug is coming along nicely.  I have knit up almost 900 yards so far and I am only 1/3 of the way there.

Finished Objects:
Zombie the Podcaster
Chubby Chirp
Leaflett Cardigan

Something else to report is that I have lost 7 lbs and have had to put away all my "fat" clothes.  You know those clothes that are one size up from your normal size that you wear when your regular jeans are too tight. I was wearing those clothes all the time but not anymore.  I am hoping to get back into my "skinny" jeans this summer.  I hope everyone else is having a healthy day and I hope I can get out and enjoy this weather soon.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Wait! Wait! I can explain!

So, I got some more yarn and a project bag in the mail this week:


Considering I just blogged about some replacement yarn last time, ya'll are thinking I went over the edge. Well, Nuh Uh!

This is my Rock Creek Woodland yarn in the Cable-icous Sock Yarn (BFL and Nylon) base. It is a very special commission yarn that I pre-ordered in October.  I had to have it because RC's Twisterino is not withstanding Bear's rough feet and steel toe shoes very well but he NEEDED camouflage socks.

Then in January, RC had an update and the Sparkly Sock Yarn was so cute. I called fellow knitters to share in the cuteness of the yarn and my Mom decided that I had to have it. She contacted Rock Creek and behind my back she sent in the payment for both yarns and shipping. Because they were shipping together Sparkly had to wait for Woodland to finish dying. (There is a long story about why Woodland took five months to ship but lets just call it quality craftsmanship and let everyone know that I am very happy with my commission order.)


So, then about mid February, I helped a Ravelry friend with her new shawl pattern. Turns out my mad Microsoft Office skills are not just handy at work.  I really just made a beautiful pattern look pretty on the pages.  So, as a thank you, she sent me a Loopy Ewe gift card.  It was burning a hole in my pocket so I chose Three Irish Girls Adorn Sock in the Kristy colorway.

And lastly, the Knitgirllls got really Della Q cool bags on this week's episode (which I saw on March 1st) and I found them on Webs for $9, I couldn't pass that up.  Especially since it was burgundy AND  had the word "Random" on it.

So, if the mail lady (who has brought me all this yarn in the past week) contacts the knitting police, I can honestly say that only ordered one item a month, that I have only spent like $15 and that sock yarn doesn't count.

Because I know you are all dying to know, I have been working out three times a week since January without fail.  Now I just need to work on tweeking my diet and I will be losing mad weight.